Tips for responsive design & developer tools
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How Matchless Web halved their mobile optimization time
Matchless Web Studio is a one-man web agency based in Clinton, Mississippi USA. The aforementioned one man in charge is me (Jon Phillips), all-time employee of the month for 8 years and counting. My introduction to the…
How Short Hills Design saves over $700 per year thanks to Polypane
Short Hills design is a closely-knit team of six located in the USA, UK, Canada and Finland that helps healthcare and other professional small business service providers get 10-20 new patients/clients per month without…
Polypane 10: detachable panel, navigation sync, element screenshots and more
Polypane 10 brings a number of often requested workflow features to Polypane: a detachable panel, the ability to turn off navigation sync for panes and element screenshots. It also updates Polypane to Chromium 104, adds…
Polypane 9.1: Form autofilling, fast overview screenshot and outline panel overlays
Polypane 9.1 comes with new features to quickly test forms, a much faster and robust overview screenshot feature, support for the INP web vital and a new way to show the heading and landmark structure inside the panes…
Polypane 9: Screenshot editor, structured data support and new debug tools
Polypane 9 ships with a completely new way of making and editing screenshots, support for different types of structured data in the Meta panel, new debug tools and many improvements to the outline and elements panel as…
Always open localhost in your development browser
Many development servers will automatically open their URL when you launch them, and without configuration that happens in your default browser. If you use a separate development browser, like Polypane, that can be…
Create a Polypane account with GitHub
Today we launch the option to start a Polypane trial with GitHub Auth. When you register for a Polypane trial click the "Register with GitHub" button to authenticate with Github instead of creating a username and…
Polypane 8.1: Resizable element tree, disable JS feature, new debug tools and more
Polypane 8.1 comes with two often requested features: The tree view in the elements panel is now resizable so you can adapt it to your preferences, and there is a new Disable JS debug tool that disables JavaScript in a…
How we made the State of CSS more responsive and accessible
Each year, the state of CSS takes a global survey of the CSS landscape. Its results are highly regarded and influence browsers, toolmakers and web developers around the world. So I (Kilian) was super honored when I was…
Polypane is now part of the GitHub Education Intro to Web Dev pack
We are proud to announce that Polypane is now part of GitHub Education Intro to Web Dev . The response to Polypane being part of the Github Student Developer Pack has been phenomenal. Seeing Polypane be used across the…
Polypane 8: better Elements Inspector, new syncing features, Chromium 98 and more
Polypane 8 comes with a better Elements inspector, big performance improvements, Chromium 98 and many other new and improved features, like forced colors emulation, focus state sync, ARM support, UI improvement, a new…
Improving your CLS and LCP Core Web Vitals
Web Vitals are a set of measurements that gauge the user experience of your website. If you score poorly on them, your site is not as nice to use as a site with good Core Web Vitals. Google also uses them to determine…