Tips for responsive design & developer tools
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Polypane 4: Unified Console, DOM tree in elements panel
A new unified Polypane console, a treeview in the elements panel, prefers-reduced-data and locale emulation, docked devtools for isolated panes, new and updated social media previews and debug tools, Chromium 87 and…
Polypane demo with Shawn @swyx Wang
Last Tuesday together with Shawn @swyx Wang we held a livestream to give a tour of Polypane. We used Shawn's website to go through most of the features Polypane has to offer and shared thoughts on modern web…
Beautiful CSS 3D Transform Examples
3D transforms and perspective can be a great trick to add depth and texture to any website but they're tricky to get right. They can easily look skewed, too flat or distorted if you don't use a fitting perspective or…
Polypane 3.3: Grids and guides, horizontal overflow detection and updated UI
Add grids and guides to your site, detect which elements cause horizontal overflows, new overlays, a refreshed UI and noticable performance improvements. with over 50 changes there's quite a lot to find in the new…
How Earnworthy uses Polypane to audit landing pages and land 25% more customers
We interviewed Nicholas Scalice, the founder of Earnworthy and creator of the newsletter about how he uses Polypane to be able to provide quick landing page consultations while focusing on both…
Polypane ❤ Tumult Hype. New integration
Tumult Hype lets you create beautiful, responsive HTML5 animations and web content. When you preview your design by clicking the 'preview' button in Hype and selecting Polypane, it will automatically open the viewports…
How Code& increased their efficiency by 500% maintaining and improving websites like Freshwater SLSC
We interviewed Dale Grant, the owner of Code& on their workflow and how Polypane fits into it. As a development-focused agency they use WordPress for a wide variety of clients and projects. Can you introduce us to Code…
How Red Pixel Themes uses Polypane
The following article was written by Vivian of Red Pixel Themes on how they use Polypane in their development process and is part of a series of case studies by Polypane users. We’re Red Pixel Themes , a web shop that…
Polypane 3.2: Accessibility and viewport sizing
We're introducing two big features in Polypane 3.2: The accessibility panel and viewport sizing . Beyond that we added a whole lot of smaller features and improvements, with nearly 40 items in our release notes…
Polypane 3.1: New elements panel
Polypane 3.1 is now available and with over 30 new and improved features it's our biggest release ever. With Polypane 3.1 we're introducing the Polypane elements panel: A completely new elements panel written for…
8 ways to increase your productivity as a web developer (in 2021)
Making websites takes time. There are a lot of parts you have to think about if you want to create a good, solid website and sometimes it might feel like there just isn't a way to go through the work faster. Whether you…
Color contrast checker that makes suggestions for better colors
For the past week or so I've been helping out with Coronastatus , an online platform that's now live in 20+ countries where people can self-report their health status in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the…